Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Selling a home with a reverse mortgage presents unique considerations that differ from the traditional home-selling process. While it’s entirely feasible, there are crucial factors to understand before proceeding with the sale. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate this process effectively.

Understanding Your Options

Life circumstances change, and the home that once suited your needs may no longer be the ideal fit. Whether it’s relocating closer to family or transitioning to senior living, selling a home with a reverse mortgage is a viable option. With this type of mortgage, you retain ownership of your home, allowing you the flexibility to sell whenever necessary.

The Reverse Mortgage Advantage

One of the primary benefits of a reverse mortgage in Myrtle Beach is the absence of monthly mortgage payments. But, you need to be living in your home. However, it’s essential to recognize that selling the home triggers repayment of this type of mortgage. Understanding this obligation is paramount when considering a sale.

Proceeds from the Sale

When selling a home with this type of mortgage, the proceeds from the sale must first satisfy the loan balance. Any surplus funds remaining after paying off the mortgage belong to you. Conversely, if the sale proceeds fall short of covering the loan balance, the non-recourse nature of reverse mortgages ensures that you or your heirs won’t be held liable for the shortfall.

reverse-mortgage-3-300x184.jpgCrucial Steps in Selling Your Reverse Mortgage Home

  • Determine the Loan Balance: Contact your Myrtle Beach reverse mortgage lender. Then, obtain a detailed payoff quote, including the principal, accrued interest, and any associated fees.
  • Obtain an Appraisal: Assess the fair market value of your home through an appraisal to gauge its potential sale price.
  • Consider Professional Assistance: Hiring a realtor or real estate lawyer experienced in handling these transactions can streamline the selling process and mitigate potential challenges.
  • List the Home for Sale: Collaborate with your chosen professional to list the property, market it effectively, and secure the best possible offer.
  • Close the Sale: Upon selling your home, ensure that the proceeds are directed toward paying off this type of loan. Confirm closure of your loan account with the lender.

Factors to Consider Before Selling

While selling your home with a reverse mortgage is a viable option, carefully evaluate alternative solutions and potential implications before proceeding:

  • Equity Utilization: Selling too soon after acquiring this type of loan may result in minimal equity accumulation. Consider waiting until you’ve built up more equity to maximize your proceeds.
  • Market Conditions: Selling during a downturn in the housing market could impact your home’s sale price. Assess market trends to determine the optimal timing for selling.
  • Home Renovation: Explore the option of using reverse mortgage proceeds to renovate or upgrade your home to better suit your needs, thereby avoiding the need to relocate.

Exploring Alternatives to Selling

If selling isn’t an immediate necessity, consider alternative options to maintain your current living situation:

  • Stay Put: With a reverse mortgage, you have the freedom to remain in your home for as long as you desire, providing stability and familiarity.
  • Government Assistance Programs: Explore government programs offering property tax relief or low-cost home improvement loans for seniors to alleviate financial burdens.
  • In-Home Care Services: Utilize this type of loan proceeds to fund in-home care services, enabling you to age in place comfortably.
  • Family Support: Seek assistance from family members to address your needs or consider cohabitation arrangements to maintain your current living situation.

Making Informed Decisions

Selling a home with a reverse mortgage requires careful consideration of various factors and potential alternatives. By understanding your options and seeking professional guidance from David Stacy Reverse Mortgage Specialist when needed, you can navigate this process with confidence and make informed decisions aligned with your unique circumstances.

Need expert guidance on navigating the sale of your home with a reverse mortgage? Our dedicated team specializes in reverse mortgages and can provide the support and insights you need. Contact David Stacy Reverse Mortgage Specialist today to explore your options and ensure a smooth transition in selling your home.

David Stacy Reverse Mortgage Specialist
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
(843) 491-1436

We serve all of Horry County including: North Myrtle BeachCarolina Forest, Socastee, Forestbrook, Conway, Surfside BeachLittle River, Myrtle Beach, Forestbrook

Tuesday, May 14, 2024


Nowadays, financial stability and security are paramount. For many seniors, this means exploring innovative options to leverage the equity in their homes. And, one such avenue gaining popularity is the reverse mortgage.

So, if you’re considering this financial tool, you likely have numerous questions swirling in your mind. Fear not, as we delve into the key questions you should ask your specialist to unlock the full potential of this financial solution.

Questions To Ask About Reverse Mortgage

Understanding Your Eligibility

Firstly, it’s crucial to understand if you qualify for this type of loan. Beyond age requirements, considerations such as property type and financial standing come into play. And, your reverse mortgage specialist in Myrtle Beach will walk you through these qualifications, ensuring you have a clear understanding of your eligibility and any potential hurdles.

Navigating Family Dynamics

The decision to pursue this type of loan often involves careful consideration of how it may impact your loved ones, particularly your spouse and children. Additionally, understanding the implications and potential benefits for your heirs is essential. Additionally, your specialist can provide insights into how a reverse mortgage fits within your family’s financial landscape, easing any concerns and fostering open communication.

reverse-mortgage-1-1-300x200.jpgChoosing the Right Partner

With numerous lenders vying for your attention, it’s vital to choose a partner you can trust. Look beyond accolades and delve into their commitment to customer service. Moreover, a lender who values transparency and prioritizes your satisfaction is key to a seamless mortgage experience.

Tailoring Your Plan

Moreover, the flexibility of this type of loan allows for customization to suit your unique needs. Whether you prefer a lump sum payment, line of credit, or monthly payout, your specialist in reverse mortgage in Myrtle Beach can help craft a plan that aligns with your retirement goals. Additionally, explore options such as a “change of plan” feature, offering flexibility as your needs evolve over time.

Maximizing Savings and Benefits

In today’s economic climate, every penny counts. So, be sure to inquire about any discounts, promotions, or special pricing available to you. From appraisal promos to military discounts, exploring potential savings ensures you make the most of your reverse mortgage journey.

Ensuring Consumer Protections

Additionally, understanding the safeguards in place is paramount to your peace of mind. Today, reverse mortgages are closely monitored, with stringent consumer protections enforced by regulatory bodies. From mandatory counseling sessions to non-recourse loan provisions, rest assured that your interests are safeguarded every step of the way.

Streamlining the Process

Navigating the reverse mortgage process can feel daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. And, understanding the steps involved—from initial consultation to loan funding—is essential. So, look for a partner committed to transparency and efficiency, ensuring a smooth and expedited journey from start to finish.

Embracing Financial Freedom

With the right guidance and support, a reverse mortgage can unlock newfound financial freedom in your golden years. Whether it’s funding home renovations, supplementing retirement income, or simply enjoying peace of mind, this financial tool offers endless possibilities. So, take the first step towards financial empowerment and explore the potential of reverse mortgages today.

Empower Your Financial Journey

So, ready to embark on your reverse mortgage journey? At David Stacy Reverse Mortgage Specialist, our team of dedicated specialists is here to guide you every step of the way. From eligibility assessments to personalized planning, we’re committed to helping you unlock the full potential of this powerful financial solution.

Ready to embark on your reverse mortgage journey?  Contact David Stacy Reverse Mortgage Specialist today and take control of your financial future. 

David Stacy Reverse Mortgage Specialist
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
(843) 491-1436

We serve all of Horry County including: North Myrtle BeachCarolina Forest, Socastee, Forestbrook, Conway, Surfside BeachLittle River, Myrtle Beach, Forestbrook

Friday, May 10, 2024


Amidst the challenges of inflation and market volatility, seniors are seeking ways to secure their financial future. And, one of the most popular options is a reverse mortgage. With home values soaring and stocks experiencing uncertainty, exploring a reverse mortgage now could offer a viable solution for seniors to generate additional income and safeguard their assets.

Firstly, as inflation rates hit a multi-decade high, fixed-income seniors face mounting pressure to meet everyday expenses. From groceries to healthcare, the rising cost of living is taking a toll on their finances. In such circumstances, accessing additional funds becomes imperative. However, drawing from investments during a market downturn poses significant risks, potentially diminishing portfolios and exacerbating financial strain.

For homeowners aged 62 and older, home equity presents a valuable resource that can address these financial challenges. A Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM), commonly known as a reverse mortgage, offers a practical solution to leverage home equity and supplement retirement income.

Here are four compelling reasons why considering a reverse mortgage now could be a prudent financial move:

When To Get A Reverse Mortgage

Reason #1: Home values are at all-time highs.

Moreover, with home values reaching unprecedented levels, seniors have a substantial asset in their hands. Home equity is often seniors’ largest asset, and tapping into it offers a means to combat inflation and prepare for future expenses, such as long-term care.

Additionally, a reverse mortgage provides a safeguard against market fluctuations. As a non-recourse loan, homeowners won’t owe more than their home’s value, regardless of market conditions.

Reason #2: Today’s Line of credit cannot be reduced tomorrow.

Furthermore, the flexibility of a reverse mortgage line of credit offers invaluable financial security. Unlike a traditional home equity line of credit (HELOC), a reverse mortgage line of credit remains intact. There will be no reductions or cancellations, provided borrowers meet loan terms. This ensures that funds are readily available for future expenses, offering peace of mind and financial stability.

Reverse-Mortgage-2-2-300x200.jpgEstablishing a reverse mortgage line of credit now allows homeowners to strategically manage their finances, accessing funds as needed for various purposes, from home repairs to healthcare costs.

Reason #3: Proceeds are largely unaffected by the stock market.

Additionally, reverse mortgage in Myrtle Beach proceeds provide a stable income source immune to stock market volatility. By utilizing home equity, seniors can cover rising expenses without relying on investment withdrawals during market downturns. This protects portfolios from depletion and ensures financial stability throughout retirement.

Recent research underscores the benefits of incorporating a reverse mortgage into retirement funding strategies, demonstrating its effectiveness in preserving portfolios during market slumps.

Reason #4: Interest rates are rising

Lastly, with interest rates on the rise, securing a reverse mortgage now offers an opportunity to lock in favorable terms. While rates remain relatively low compared to historical trends, the Federal Reserve’s tightening monetary policy suggests future increases. Acting promptly allows homeowners to capitalize on current rates and mitigate the impact of potential rate hikes.

Financial advisors increasingly recognize the value of reverse mortgages as a strategic retirement planning tool. With housing prices surging and interest rates favorable, now is an opportune time to explore the benefits of a reverse mortgage.

In conclusion, for seniors seeking financial stability and supplemental income, a Myrtle Beach reverse mortgage presents a viable solution. By leveraging home equity in a favorable housing market, seniors can secure their financial future and enjoy peace of mind in retirement.

If you’re considering a reverse mortgage, consult your financial advisor to assess its suitability for your retirement plan. For expert guidance and personalized assistance, reach out to reverse mortgage providers like David Stacy Reverse Mortgage Specialist committed to empowering seniors with comprehensive solutions, ensuring informed decisions and financial well-being.

Call David Stacy Reverse Mortgage Specialist now. Let our team help you determine if a reverse mortgage is the best option for you.

David Stacy Reverse Mortgage Specialist
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
(843) 491-1436

We serve all of Horry County including: North Myrtle BeachCarolina Forest, Socastee, Forestbrook, Conway, Surfside BeachLittle River, Myrtle Beach, Forestbrook

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


As we journey through life, time seems to fly by, filled with cherished memories and significant milestones. However, as we grow older, so do our parents. It’s a natural progression, but one that often brings about a role reversal, where adult children find themselves becoming caregivers for their aging parents. So, what’s the role of reverse mortgages in caregiving?

Caring for aging parents is a common experience shared by many. According to recent data from AARP, approximately 48 million people provide unpaid care to adult family members or friends. Taking on the responsibility of caregiving is admirable. However, many adult children are unprepared for the financial implications that come with it.

The Link Between Reverse Mortgages and Caregiving

The Financial Realities of Caregiving

Caring for an aging parent involves both tangible and hidden costs. First, tangible costs include expenses such as housing, healthcare, accessibility modifications, and daily living expenses. For example, housing expenses can be a significant burden. And, caregivers often using their own funds to cover rent or mortgage payments for their loved ones. Moreover, healthcare expenses, including long-term care not covered by Medicare, can quickly add up, placing further strain on caregivers’ finances. Additionally, making necessary modifications to ensure accessibility and covering daily living expenses can also take a toll.

In addition to these tangible costs, caregivers also face hidden expenses, such as reduced hours at work and compromised retirement savings. Balancing caregiving responsibilities with employment can result in decreased income and missed career opportunities. Furthermore, dipping into savings to cover caregiving expenses can jeopardize caregivers’ own financial security in retirement.

reverse-mortgage-2-1-300x200.jpgAddressing Financial Challenges with Reverse Mortgage

Amidst these financial challenges, reverse mortgages in Myrtle Beach offer a potential solution for caregivers and their aging parents. A reverse mortgage, available to homeowners who are at least 62 years old, lets individuals to change a part of their home equity into cash without having to make monthly mortgage payments. This financial flexibility can help alleviate the burden of caregiving expenses and provide additional funds to cover housing, healthcare, accessibility modifications, and daily living costs.

Moreover, reverse mortgages enable seniors to age in place comfortably while maintaining ownership of their home. The proceeds from a reverse mortgage can be used to make necessary home modifications, ensuring that the living environment remains safe and accessible for aging parents.

Taking Care of Yourself

While caregiving for aging parents can be financially challenging, it’s essential to prioritize self-care amidst the responsibilities. Seeking support from financial advisors and exploring community resources can help alleviate some of the burdens associated with caregiving. Remembering to take time for yourself is crucial for maintaining overall well-being and ensuring that you can continue to provide the best care for your loved ones.

Caring for aging parents is a significant responsibility that comes with financial implications. However, with careful planning and the right resources, caregivers can navigate these challenges effectively. Furthermore, reverse mortgages offer a valuable tool for addressing the financial aspects of caregiving while enabling seniors to age in place comfortably. By understanding the role of Myrtle Beach reverse mortgages and prioritizing self-care, caregivers can ensure the well-being of both their aging parents and themselves.

Ready to Learn More? Contact David Stacy Reverse Mortgage Specialist today to discover how reverse mortgages can support your caregiving journey.

David Stacy Reverse Mortgage Specialist
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
(843) 491-1436

We serve all of Horry County including: North Myrtle BeachCarolina Forest, Socastee, Forestbrook, Conway, Surfside BeachLittle River, Myrtle Beach, Forestbrook

Friday, May 3, 2024


Are you a condominium owner exploring ways to enhance your financial flexibility during retirement? If so, you might be curious about a reverse mortgage and how they apply to condo properties.

Reverse Mortgage For Condo Owners

This type of mortgage offers a unique financial solution for homeowners aged 62 and above. And, these specialized loans enable you to convert a portion of your home’s equity into tax-free cash without selling the property or making regular monthly mortgage payments. Instead, you continue paying property taxes, insurance, and maintaining the home. Unlike traditional mortgages, repayment is deferred until you sell the home, move out, or pass away.

Additionally, condos are indeed eligible for reverse mortgages, but not all condos qualify for every kind of reverse mortgage. The most common type is the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage. It is insured by the Federal Housing Administration. To qualify for a HECM, your condo must meet specific criteria set by HUD, such as a specific percentage of owner-occupied units as well as low delinquency rates on dues.

How can you determine if your condo is FHA-approved? Fortunately, HUD provides a database of all FHA-approved condominiums, searchable by state, county, or property name. If your condo gets an approval from FHA, you can apply for an FHA-insured HECM reverse mortgage, offering various disbursement options, including lump sum, line of credit, or monthly payments.

Factors To Consider

Considering a reverse mortgage in Myrtle Beach for your condo? Here are key factors to keep in mind:

Eligibility: You must be at least 62 years old, have sufficient equity in your condo, and meet HUD’s requirements for FHA approval.

reverse-mortgage-3-300x184.jpgCosts: And, this type of mortgage entail upfront costs like origination fees, closing costs, and mortgage insurance premiums, which can typically be rolled into the loan.

Repayment: Furthermore, you should repay your loan when you sell the home, move out, or pass away, with heirs having the option to pay off the balance or sell the property.

Heirs: Additionally, discuss with your heirs how a reverse mortgage may affect their plans for the property and inheritance.

Benefits: The IRS doesn’t consider reverse mortgage proceeds as income, typically not affecting Social Security or Medicare benefits. However, they may impact eligibility for means-tested government programs like Medicaid or SSI.

Finding Support

Moreover, navigating the complexities of this type of mortgage and FHA approval for condos can be daunting. And, seek support from knowledgeable professionals who can guide you through the process. Financial advisors, HUD-approved housing counselors, and reputable lenders can provide valuable insights and assistance tailored to your specific needs and circumstances.

If your condo did not get an approval from FHA or you’re exploring alternative reverse mortgage options, consult with a trusted advisor to explore available solutions. While FHA approval offers certain benefits, proprietary reverse mortgage products may offer advantages for qualified borrowers.

Unlocking the potential of your condo through a reverse mortgage requires careful consideration and expert guidance. Reach out to trusted advisors who can provide personalized assistance and help you make informed decisions about your financial future.

Call David Stacy Reverse Mortgage Specialist now. Let us help you determine whether this option is the best one for you.

David Stacy Reverse Mortgage Specialist
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
(843) 491-1436

We serve all of Horry County including: North Myrtle BeachCarolina Forest, Socastee, Forestbrook, Conway, Surfside BeachLittle River, Myrtle Beach, Forestbrook


Are you a condominium owner exploring ways to enhance your financial flexibility during retirement? If so, you might be curious about a reverse mortgage and how they apply to condo properties.

Reverse Mortgage For Condo Owners

This type of mortgage offers a unique financial solution for homeowners aged 62 and above. And, these specialized loans enable you to convert a portion of your home’s equity into tax-free cash without selling the property or making regular monthly mortgage payments. Instead, you continue paying property taxes, insurance, and maintaining the home. Unlike traditional mortgages, repayment is deferred until you sell the home, move out, or pass away.

Additionally, condos are indeed eligible for reverse mortgages, but not all condos qualify for every kind of reverse mortgage. The most common type is the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage. It is insured by the Federal Housing Administration. To qualify for a HECM, your condo must meet specific criteria set by HUD, such as a specific percentage of owner-occupied units as well as low delinquency rates on dues.

How can you determine if your condo is FHA-approved? Fortunately, HUD provides a database of all FHA-approved condominiums, searchable by state, county, or property name. If your condo gets an approval from FHA, you can apply for an FHA-insured HECM reverse mortgage, offering various disbursement options, including lump sum, line of credit, or monthly payments.

Factors To Consider

Considering a reverse mortgage in Myrtle Beach for your condo? Here are key factors to keep in mind:

Eligibility: You must be at least 62 years old, have sufficient equity in your condo, and meet HUD’s requirements for FHA approval.

reverse-mortgage-3-300x184.jpgCosts: And, this type of mortgage entail upfront costs like origination fees, closing costs, and mortgage insurance premiums, which can typically be rolled into the loan.

Repayment: Furthermore, you should repay your loan when you sell the home, move out, or pass away, with heirs having the option to pay off the balance or sell the property.

Heirs: Additionally, discuss with your heirs how a reverse mortgage may affect their plans for the property and inheritance.

Benefits: The IRS doesn’t consider reverse mortgage proceeds as income, typically not affecting Social Security or Medicare benefits. However, they may impact eligibility for means-tested government programs like Medicaid or SSI.

Finding Support

Moreover, navigating the complexities of this type of mortgage and FHA approval for condos can be daunting. And, seek support from knowledgeable professionals who can guide you through the process. Financial advisors, HUD-approved housing counselors, and reputable lenders can provide valuable insights and assistance tailored to your specific needs and circumstances.

If your condo did not get an approval from FHA or you’re exploring alternative reverse mortgage options, consult with a trusted advisor to explore available solutions. While FHA approval offers certain benefits, proprietary reverse mortgage products may offer advantages for qualified borrowers.

Unlocking the potential of your condo through a reverse mortgage requires careful consideration and expert guidance. Reach out to trusted advisors who can provide personalized assistance and help you make informed decisions about your financial future.

Call David Stacy Reverse Mortgage Specialist now. Let us help you determine whether this option is the best one for you.

David Stacy Reverse Mortgage Specialist
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
(843) 491-1436

We serve all of Horry County including: North Myrtle BeachCarolina Forest, Socastee, Forestbrook, Conway, Surfside BeachLittle River, Myrtle Beach, Forestbrook

Wednesday, May 1, 2024


Pause for a moment to reflect on the invaluable guidance and support your parents have provided throughout your life’s journey. As they gracefully transition into retirement, their love remains unwavering the financial challenges of this new chapter may require your support. One such challenge is adapting to a fixed or reduced income amidst rising inflation rates. Yet, hidden within the walls of their home lies a potential solution – home equity. This is where reverse mortgage comes into play.

Senior homeowners currently hold a staggering $11.58 trillion in housing wealth, presenting a significant opportunity for supplementing retirement income through a reverse mortgage. But what exactly does this entail for you as an heir? Let’s delve into everything you need to know about inheriting a home with a reverse mortgage.

Understanding Reverse Mortgage

Tailored for older homeowners, a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM), commonly known as a reverse mortgage, empowers your parents to convert a portion of their home equity into cash flow. If there’s an existing mortgage balance, the mortgage pays it off first which frees up additional cash since monthly mortgage payments are optional.

How can your parents utilize these funds? The possibilities are diverse, ranging from covering daily expenses amidst inflation to home improvements for enhanced comfort. Funds can be received through a line of credit, lump sum, monthly advances, or a combination of these options.

Exploring Costs and Obligations

reverse-mortgage-2-300x200.jpgSimilar to traditional mortgages, mortgages entail upfront and ongoing costs. These may include counseling fees, origination fees, appraisal expenses, mortgage insurance premiums, and closing costs. However, some fees can be financed into the loan or waived, minimizing out-of-pocket expenses.

Ongoing costs encompass interest, servicing fees, annual mortgage insurance premiums, and property-related expenses. Notably, not all lenders impose the same fees; for instance, at David Stacy Reverse Mortgage Specialist, we prioritize customer service by foregoing servicing fees for HECM borrowers.

Understanding Loan Repayment

mortgages come with obligations, including maintaining the home’s condition, staying current on property taxes and insurance, and using the property as the primary residence. Failure to meet these obligations can trigger loan repayment.

Upon the last surviving borrower’s sale of the home, relocation, or passing, the mortgage becomes due. As an heir, you have options: retaining the home by paying off the loan balance or selling it to repay the lender. Notably, mortgages are non-recourse loans, ensuring you’re not liable for more than the home’s value at the time of sale.

Exploring Alternatives and Inheritance

While alternatives like traditional refinancing or Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOCs) exist, mortgages often suit older homeowners’ needs better. Proceeds can be used to settle existing mortgages, potentially impacting your inheritance.

Ultimately, discussing options with your parents and seeking professional guidance can ease the decision-making process. At David Stacy Reverse Mortgage Specialist, our dedicated Loan Officers offer expertise and personalized support, ensuring a smooth journey through the process.

Embrace the Future with Confidence

Inheriting a home with a reverse mortgage Myrtle Beach entails considerations and decisions. Yet, with informed choices and support, it can pave the way for a more secure and comfortable retirement for your loved ones.

Unlock the potential of your home’s equity with David Stacy, your trusted Reverse Mortgage Specialist. Whether you’re seeking to supplement retirement income or ease financial burdens, David is here to guide you through the process with expertise and personalized solutions.

David Stacy Reverse Mortgage Specialist
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
(843) 491-1436

We serve all of Horry County including: North Myrtle BeachCarolina Forest, Socastee, Forestbrook, Conway, Surfside BeachLittle River, Myrtle Beach, Forestbrook